Monday, April 21, 2014

Win-Win Politics of Secularism and Communalism in India

The professional politics in India today can be  characterized by a win-win politics carved out in the name of secularism and communalsim for the convenience of our professional politicians  as it presents a win -win situation for both secularists and communalists because in a democracy like ours, the best and easiest way to make political capital is to cause polarization in the society in the name of  either caste, or religion or region etc. as relatively poor people in all sense can be easily carried away with such tactics where as it is very sweating to capture the imagination of the people in the name of progress especially in a challenging social economic setting that exists in India. That is why our professional politics has somehow managed to divide the society into tow by way of defining politics in terms of communalism and secularism. If so, then the rule of the game is simple: suppose election is on the way, then you just manage something like Muzaffar Nagar episode, polarize the society on the one hand and at the same time, consolidate your vote bank through the same polarization, on the other hand. Thus, this process of consolidation on the both sides presents a win-win situation to both the champions of secularism and communalism. What is interesting is the fact that immediately after independence certain section has realized that they can make inroads to politics of power in India only through the exercise of polarization and thereby, they themselves has implicitly agreed to act as the forces of polarization which was wholeheartedly accepted the so called forces of secularism as it is beneficial for them. Thus, to a large extent Indian democracy today is essentially driven by this kind of implicit win-win strategy pursued by our profession politicians.   

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