Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Climate Change

The impact of climate change has been felt in the varous parts of the globe in varous forms. For instance, the untimely rain fall in different parts of India is a matter of great concern as it badly affect the agricultural sector and thereby the food security of the coutry. It is the irrational development strategis that we have followed so far respensible for the climate change. Increased industrialisation without due attention to environment was portrayed as a panacea for the economic probelms of the man kind. Now , human kind apperas to be in a juncture wherein is is not in a position to enjoy fully the so called benifits of such illogical development starategy. It is the high time to think over other development alternatives so that our own habitate is not pushed into collpase

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why not a fresh counter revolution

The great depression of 1930s gave birth to waht is called 'Kenesian Revolution'. Then, during 1970s, world experienced another crisis in the form 'stagflation' which resulted in what is called 'Monetarist Counter Revolution'. Again, rcently, world economy experience severe economic crisis originated in the US. But, this time, why a fresh revolution did not appear?